3D Golf BiomechanicsAssessment
Our Goal is to blend advanced coaching with state of the art technology to answer 3 major questions about your swing:
WHAT is happening? HOW is it happening? WHY is it happening?
We answer the WHAT by measuring with Trackman 4 launch monitor, K-VEST 3D motion capture analysis, HackMotion 3D wrist sensors and 4 super high speed cameras filming down the line, face on, behind and overhead.
The HOW is answered by measuring on our GASP 3D dual force plates. We can see how you generate power from the ground up by measuring Ground Reaction Forces and Torques you create in your swing.
The WHY is answered by with our full body TPI screen assessment. This screen focuses on movement, strength and flexibility and pinpoints any physical restrictions that might be affecting your golf swing.
We are looking to see how you generate power from the ground and see how that power is transferred through the body and into the club.

Unprecedented information and accuracy as to how a player uses the ground. We measure data under each foot as well as the combined data from both feet.
This includes
- Vertical Force Left; Vertical Force Right; Vertical force Combined.
- Horizontal Left/Right Force, Horizontal Toe/Heel Force.
- Rotational Forces Right; Rotational Forces Left, Rotational Force Combined.
- Centre of Pressure Trace.
- Horizontal Center Mass.
- Force Vectors.
- Moment arm.
- Frontal Plane Torque.
- Sagittal Plane Torque.
- Horizontal Plane Torque.
- Pivoting Torque.
- Transverse Plane Torque.
- Foot Contact Torque.

K-VEST 3D motion capture system is an all in one wireless 3D system that instantaneously measures players power signatures and 3D data. The system assesses players swing characteristics and generates insightful reports.
This includes
- Transition Sequence
- Peak Speed Sequence
- Peak Speeds
- Bend
- Side Bend
- Rotation

The most efficient swing is not the same for every golfer, because efficiency is unique to their body. To achieve an efficient swing, a golfer must first be screened. This screen involves an assessment of swing mechanics and biomechanics, movement quality, current health and history.
Once this screen is finished, the results are used to create a plan unique for that golfer. The plan may include fitness training, physical therapy and treatment, coaching of swing mechanics and biomechanics, nutrition, mental strategy or all of the above.
“We don’t believe there is one way to swing a club; we believe there are an infinite number of ways! But we do believe that there is one efficient way for everyone to swing a club and it is based on what they can physically do.”
2 Hour Advanced Golf Lesson with Top 50 Coach, Ben Emerson
- Personal Profiling
- Goal Settings
- 2D & 3D Swing Analysis
- 3D Force & Pressure Tracing
- Club & Ball Flight Analysis
Full access to the coaching app ‘CoachNow’ which will include swing videos from the day, 3D reports & analysis data, plus personalised drill videos for future practice and reference.
3 Hour Advanced Golf Lesson with Top 50 Coach, Ben Emerson
- Personal Profiling
- Goal Settings
- TPI Movement Screen
- TPI Exercise Training Plan & Videos
- 2D & 3D Swing Analysis
- 3D Force & Pressure Tracing
- Club & Ball Flight Analysis